Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Open Letter to Ambassador Brilliantes

February 8, 2010

Ambassador Brilliantes
130 Albert Street, Suite 606
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1P 5G4

Dear Ambassador Brillantes,

We are writing you to express our strong concern over the recent abduction of 43 health workers by the Philippine Army and Philippine National Police on the 6th of February in Rizal, Philippines. These workers were illegally abducted while attending a health training put on by the Council for Health and Development (CHD).

One of the abducted health workers, Dr. Merry Mia, is a personal friend, one of the hosts to me and my family when we spent seven months in the Philippines in 2008 as volunteer community health workers. Dr. Merry is a committed health professional who works with the poor and marginalized of Philippine society. The idea that Dr. Merry is involved in violent or criminal actions is absolutely ridiculous to anyone who knows her, as we do. She is committed to social justice and human rights and works with legal, popular movements of Philippine society.

As concerned Canadians we are watching the actions of the Philippine government very carefully. Please convey our concerns to the appropriate authorities in the Philippines. We look forward to hearing of the speedy release of Dr. Merry the other 42 health workers currently being illegally detained.


Ormond-Roberts Family

Martha Roberts, R.M.
Aiyanas Ormond
Sophia Roberts, age 13
Billy Grayer, age 8

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