Ronald Capitania, 24 years old, single, a habal habal (motorcycle) driver and a resident of Brgy. Manlocahoc, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental was shot February 23, 6:45 am in Brgy Manlocahoc, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental. He was one of the 30 Community Health Workers (CHW) who graduated in a 1 year ladderized health training of Community Based Health Program sponsored by Council for Health and Development (CHD) and Negros Island Health Integrated Program (NIHIP) on November 22, 2009. He is also the Public Information Officer of Camindangan Small Farmers Association (CASFA), a partner organization of NIHIP in southern Negros.
While on his way to Brgy Cambugiot, Sipalay to fetch a regular passenger, he noticed 2 bonnet-wearing men riding a motorcycle following him. Sensing danger, he fled with his motorcycle but was shot thrice and hit on the shoulder and abdomen. The gunmen continued to chase and shoot him. Despite the pain, he still remembered the Basic Health Skills Training 1 given to him by volunteer nurses of NIHIP. Hence, he applied pressure on his wound to minimize the bleeding.
Capitania is now confined at the Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital (CLMMRH) in Bacolod City. His colleagues suspect that the military is behind the shooting because their organization was active in the campaign calling for the withdrawal of the military detachment inside the barangay hall.
Dr. Merry Mia-Clamor, one of the 43 health workers illegally detained at Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal together with NIHIP representative and Brgy. Capt Elijer Borris of Camindangan distributed diplomas for the graduates of the South CHW Association where Capitania served.
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